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Welcome at Plain Vanilla

Committed investors with a single goal: Return on Involvement.

We are convinced of the added value of real involvement. Our commitment, persistence and exceeding level of involvement pay off and translate into return on investment. We call it ‘Return on Involvement’.


We rather play than watch the game

Our team consists of entrepreneurial experts, all of whom are professionals with extensive hands-on experience in business. In an engaged and enthusiastic way we invest capital and knowledge and support mid-market entrepreneurs with funding, specific know-how and expertise. This makes working with Plain Vanilla an exceptional experience. One that is unlike any working relationship with the average investment company.


If you’re facing a complex transition, we offer instant experience

We are looking to invest during the defining moments in a company’s life cycle with our closely knit team of experienced experts. Situations range from realising growth to executing a strategic change of direction. And from shareholder succession to a necessary turnaround. But in all cases: vital transitions. That is where our strength lies.


We put our money where our mouth is

Plain Vanilla has a successful and long-standing track record of realising growth, strategic transformations and operational improvements in various companies. Currently, we are actively involved in the following portfolio companies.

  • Polanerbaan 3
  • 3447 GN Woerden
  • The Netherlands
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